There are many challenges confronting seniors in today’s economy, from the loss of pension income and retirement savings to high prescription drug costs to reduced access to safe and affordable housing. The House Democratic Caucus and the Congressional Task Force on Seniors recognize these problems, and are working hard every day to solve them. As the party that established Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid, we will protect and uphold the promises made to America’s seniors by improving these programs and by ensuring their long-term solvency.
Seniors Task Force Mission Statement
The mission of the Congressional Task Force on Seniors is to promote and raise the public’s awareness of policies under development in Congress that would improve the health and well-being of America’s seniors.
The Congressional Task Force on Seniors will accomplish this mission by focusing on three principles that are critically important to aging Americans:
1. Financial Security
2. Affordable, Reliable Health Care
3. Quality of Life as People Age
By highlighting policies in Congress that advance these principles on behalf of America’s aging population, the Congressional Task Force on Seniors will ensure that the needs of America’s senior citizens remain at the forefront of public discourse. After working hard their entire lives, aging Americans have earned a dignified and secure retirement.
Social Security Interactive Timeline:
Seniors Task Force Co-Chairs
Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Co-Chair
Representative Jan Schakowsky, co-chair of the Congressional Seniors Task Force, is a longtime senior advocate. As director of the Illinois State Council of Senior Citizens from 1985-1990, she organized across the state to reduce prescription drug costs, provide tax relief, and expand financial protections to spouses of nursing home residents. In her ninth term from the 9th Congressional District of Illinois, Rep. Schakowsky serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee, where she is working to strengthen Medicare, improve nursing home quality and options for home and community-based long-term services, and lower prescription drug costs. She is the Ranking Member on the Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade and is the sponsor of legislative proposals to improve consumer protections. She also serves in the House leadership as Chief Deputy Whip and is Ranking Member of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Rep. Doris Matsui, Co-Chair
Congresswoman Doris Matsui, representing California’s Sixth District, was elected to the House of Representatives in 2005. Since her election, she has a been a strong advocate for Sacramento’s aging population, from her work on the AARP-endorsed Complete Streets Act, to ensuring the solvency of Medicare. As a member of the exclusive House Committee on Energy and Commerce she was instrumental in crafting the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and continues to advocate for policies that protect the interest of seniors. She firmly believes that Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security benefits must be preserved for the future. She is also currently serving as a vice-chair of the Congressional Caucus on Women’s Issues.
Latest from the Seniors Task Force